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Tag Archives: testing

TCHO: milk chocolate beta & citrus

So I enrolled in TCHO’s milk chocolate beta. They didn’t want to be judged on texture yet, which made critiquing the creaminess aspect a bit tricky. As of this writing they have yet to release version 1.0. Overall, though the later betas did show remarkable improvement over the earlier samples. But to answer some questions […]

TCHO: nutty, fruity & chocolatey

This year I’ve been watching the progress of TCHO, a new San Franciscan chocolate maker. We’re lucky there are four chocolate producers within the Bay Area: Ghiradelli, Scharffen Berger, Guittard, and now TCHO. Ghiradelli isn’t bad, but their flavored varieties are somewhat uninspired and feel waxy-plasticy in the mouth. Scharffen Berger’s chocolate I find too […]

Testing OpenID authentication

I’ve wanted OpenID authentication on my site for a long time, because it would allow readers with OpenIDs to easily add comments here. If you’d like to help with testing, please do so at this article at, a test site I’ve setup with OpenID authentication. Thanks! A simple explanation of OpenID: A distributed identity […]

Tasting soy milks

I admit it, I find soy milk suspicious. Sure, it works nicely as a creamy substitute in soups; and the occasional soy cheese I’ve had at izakaya restaurants has been tasty. I’ve even had a couple soy-based ice cream sandwiches which nearly fooled me, taste and texture-wise. But soy milk. As a drink, especially a […]

Comment policy & preview

When I started using WordPress last year, one aspect took me a while to understand and refine: blog comments. What’s more, commenting is the most obvious form of interaction on this site. But I wanted to avoid spam. How badly I wanted to avoid any kind of junk ad, specious link, mindless troll, content leech, […]

The joys of syndication and spam control

The Bad Behavior plugin seems to block my friends who try to syndicate this site on LiveJournal. I might need to fiddle with whitelisting. Speaking of whitelists, why oh why are comments made by registered WordPress users being held for moderation (including myself)? This is by both Akismet spam moderation and within the built-in (I […]

Your comments about comments (and registration)

To my dear users who are so kind as to help me test this test site: Please feel free to post feedback about comments and user registration here. Muchas gracias!

testing possible WordPress bug, er, scratch that

system; Ahem. Actually, the issue was Apache’s mod_security not allowing certain strings to be posted here. I get a 503 web server error if I sneak in a set of parenthesis () right after the word “system” and the semicolon. So to fix this, I’d need to modify the rules there via .htaccess. Or remember […]

Update tests with Vienna

[Update] So it turns out that Vienna refreshes new articles from the last 24 hours. Expunging articles that are older than the last 24 hours should get rid of them, unless (again) there’ve been changes to either the article URL or title. In addition, according to the Vienna support forum, some blogs aren’t configured properly […]

testing ecto & MarsEdit

[Update] I’ve decided to go with MarsEdit. While it has a few issues (not respecting settings for password protected or private posts in WordPress, afaict), MarsEdit does the bulk of what I need to get done for blog writing, with a simple, clear user interface. Testing ecto 2.4.1 in rich text mode. Observations so far: […]