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Tag Archives: openid

Goodbye OpenID

I’ve decided to stop using OpenID on this website for several reasons: The OpenID plugin for WordPress was last updated in 2012. I have stopped following its development, and I have also stopped trying to get past/possible issues to work properly with my site and theme. I just have not had the time for the […]

OpenID for comments in

I have played with OpenID on my test site, and it’s about time to make it available on You may now use your OpenIDs here for your comments! Many thanks to Jed and Kathleen for helping me out with testing. 😀 How to use OpenID here 1. First of all, you need an OpenID. […]

Testing OpenID authentication

I’ve wanted OpenID authentication on my site for a long time, because it would allow readers with OpenIDs to easily add comments here. If you’d like to help with testing, please do so at this article at, a test site I’ve setup with OpenID authentication. Thanks! A simple explanation of OpenID: A distributed identity […]

Comment policy & preview

When I started using WordPress last year, one aspect took me a while to understand and refine: blog comments. What’s more, commenting is the most obvious form of interaction on this site. But I wanted to avoid spam. How badly I wanted to avoid any kind of junk ad, specious link, mindless troll, content leech, […]