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Tag Archives: wacky

Linky: Best videos from 2008

Happy New Year, and welcome to 2009! Viral videos are a never-ending source of distraction on the ‘Net. But here are links to ones I found the most amusing. (Yes, some may have come out before 2008, but in my usual tardiness I stumbled upon them in 2008.) Enjoy! An Engineer’s Guide to Cats (YouTube […]

The Ultimate Slide

Photos from Carsten Höller’s slide installation at the Tate Modern. Wish I could play on that!

Eau d’ Pissenlit

Which is to say, Dandelion cologne. The Demeter Frangrance Library has a multitude of scents you’d never think of. Like Paperback and Poison Ivy. For educational purposes, I’m sure. [via BoingBoing]

Blame It on Monterey Bay

Haiku and other snippets memorializing a visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium on Wedenesday, 24 April 1996. A collaboration between yours truly and Morrisa Sherman.