I developed a copyright toolkit for my Digital Copyright course (Info 281) this semester: http://lis.iwaruna.com/copyright-toolkit It includes resources for determining copyright and public domain status, managing risks and seeking permissions (e.g., Copyright Clearance Center) — as well as places to find public domain, Creative Commons, and DRM-free media, and more! Suggestions and corrections welcomed! I’d […]
Tag Archives: education
Review of Susan Cain’s Quiet
Oh hai! As with previous fall semesters, I’ve been busy with graduate school. I’m currently taking two amazing courses, an intensive on digital copyright and another on the Hyperlinked Library (a.k.a., Library 2.0). For the latter, I wrote a book report on Susan Cain’s Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop […]
A tutorial on using controlled vocabularies
As the last of the big projects in my Reference and Information Services course last semester, I created a (semi) interactive tutorial on understanding and using controlled vocabularies—specifically in the AGRICOLA database (freely searchable via USDA) and the Gale Virtual Reference Library encyclopedia (commercial, subscription required). Once again, some caveats: This is my first publicly […]
An annotated bibliography of California horticulture resources
Here is another project for the reference and information services course: An annotated bibliography of California horticulture resources for librarians, located at http://horticulture.wikidot.com. In addition to being a handy tool for reference librarians, I wanted to created this because of my interest in gardens and botany. Again, some caveats: This bib is aimed mainly at […]
A subject guide to webcomics
For my reference and information services course (Libr 210) I created a publicly accessible tool to introduce people to the glorious world of webcomics, located at http://libraryschool.libguidescms.com/webcomics. I was inspired to create this because I could not find a subject guide dedicated to webcomics. Sure, there are many that mention it (a page, at most), […]
Online life in graduate school
I’ve spent several years in the software and Internet sector, as well as taken online classes. Nevertheless, I’ll still have a lot to learn both technically and socially when it comes to taking graduate school courses online. Actually, a more appropriate phrase would be attending graduate school online, because attending emphasizes how this will be […]
A welcome to SLIS students and instructors
Salutations to San José State University folks in the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS)! I’m using my personal website to store publicly-accessible homework for SLIS, as well as my thoughts on libraries, reading, and information access. For the time being, I’ve organized such posts with the SLIS tag, under the Library category. To […]