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Tag Archives: cookbooks

Books read in 2011

Once again, 💡 denotes my reading recommendations. I read a lot of excellent fiction in the past year! The Good Stuff The surprise goodies for me were the Hunger Games trilogy and Santa Olivia. My brain usually turns off at anything hyper-popularized by the media. Nor is boxing exactly a topic I’d care to hear […]

Books read in 2010

Last year was unusual in the reading department. I read fewer fiction books in paper form and a lot more non-fiction than I typically do; well, easy since they were mostly cookbooks ;). Moreover, I listened to a lot more podcast fiction — a habit I began in 2009 (or 2008?), but really got into […]

Tea resources

Many of you know how much I love drinking tea, not to mention having afternoon tea. Here are some tea resources I’ve used over the years. (I’ll post another entry on tea rooms later on.) Now if I could just find a source of clotted cream produced in the United States. Yeah, good luck there.

Basic bread recipe for sandwiches and focaccia (and pizza)

It’s been years since I baked yeast-based breads. Glad I’ve picked up the habit again! Having focaccia to snack on, or just a decent loaf for sandwiches, makes for comforting (not to mention tastier and fresher) eats. The dough is versatile, so I also use it for pizzas. Three cookbooks aided me in my rediscovery […]