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Tag Archives: fiction

Books read in 2010

Last year was unusual in the reading department. I read fewer fiction books in paper form and a lot more non-fiction than I typically do; well, easy since they were mostly cookbooks ;). Moreover, I listened to a lot more podcast fiction — a habit I began in 2009 (or 2008?), but really got into […]

Books read in 2008

If I had to quickly summarize 2008 in books, I’d name my favorite fiction and non-fiction: Solitaire by Kelly Eskridge and The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, respectively. Of course, jump down to see what I did read last year. Some notes on comics I read last year. Fiction Non-fiction Books I didn’t finish reading. […]

Fiction books read in 2007 and beyond

I offer you my first past-year booklist for fiction (1). I know these are just capsule summary-reviews, but I want to keep track of what I’ve read, lest I fall back into the bad habit of forgetting. I’ve limited this entry to non-graphical works (2). Books are sorted alphabetically by author, then publication date. Because […]