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If you notice typos, incorrect references or link rot, or have useful suggestions, please do let me know. Unfortunately, I cannot always promise a timely response.

By email: Write to sairuh at the Google mail domain.

By phone: Um, no. I hate phones.


Having a degree in biology explains my love of natural history, but over a dozen years in the computer industry demonstrates my keen interest in the Internet, well-designed applications and fun gadgets. Being a quality assurance (QA) software engineer on projects that take the Internet by storm has been a huge joy in my life. While developing usable, accessible software is essential to me, what makes the experience worthwhile are the people.

If you think about it, isn’t creating a successful project much like finding the right kids to play and study with from school? Perhaps that metaphor doesn’t suit you, but my point is this: Other than choosing the fields one works in, developing a career means building worthwhile, enduring relationships —whether they sprout from a short term contract or a part time gig, or evolve from a long term position.

My résumé, if you are curious.

“So, what are you good at?” Finding, investigating, editing, tweaking, learning and collaborating. It can be software, writing or a recipe. I play well with other humans to solve issues and defects, and to incorporate improvement and advancement of projects. My spirit for inquiry is high, therefore I’m fearless (practically) about asking questions. Moreover, I have an independent, no-nonsense temperment, and I’m self-motivated and respect deadlines.

I am a blunt person, so it’s important to mention what do I not want in a career. I don’t wish to relocate; I love where I live. Moreover, management or support positions would be inappropriate. Some people get thrills there, that’s great —I especially rejoice in working with those who are good it! But please respect the fact that I don’t herd cats or play firefighter.